
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic

Project Details

Project Type:
Expansion Project
$ 16,400,000
2022 - A long-standing client with a relationship of nearly twenty years, Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic engaged CMAC once again to refinance and leverage up a building with little remaining debt. Their intent was to take the cash out to fund future expansion. The group also wanted a line of credit to fund a new location, another loan to buy more shares of an ASC, and loan proposals for two other potential construction projects. The financing objectives were ever-changing as new opportunities arose and the group’s objectives and timeline shifted. Rising rates also created challenges, but a local bank held its offered rates until the loan closed. CMAC assisted in closing six different loans with two different banks within a few months of one another, coordinating the myriad of moving parts throughout the process.

"TOC was unable to accomplish on it's own what CMAC did for us. We wouldn't have had the 'Best Deal' without CMAC. "
Martin Shipman, CFO


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