
Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance

Project Details

Project Type:
New Construction
$ 7,590,000
2018 - This large Middle Tennessee orthopedic group closed a $7.5 MM loan for the construction and permanent financing of a new satellite office. The loan terms provided for a generous interest-only period following construction. This allowed reduced payments and maintained positive cash flows until the new office became fully operational. At the conclusion of the interest-only period, the facility converted to a  permanent loan. The permanent financing closed with an 8-year low fixed rate and without any personal guarantees from the practice partners.  

"I appreciate the sentiments and know that we would probably still be fumbling around with this process if you hadn’t kept us organized and moving forward. Even though I was relying on CMAC to help with financing, their efforts and commitment to drive the closing of the deal was more than I could have expected. That was definitely a value-add service for TOA."
Chuck Williams, CFO


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