Case Study

OrthoArkansas Recognizes a $9.87MM Increase in Appraised Value in Only Three Months

Case Study Details

Project Type:
OrthoArkansas Recognizes a $9.87MM Increase in Appraised Value in Only Three Months

Utilizes the Proactive Valuation Improvement (PVI) Program

OrthoArkansas, a leading Southern orthopedic group, had ordered an appraisal through their incumbent lender in late 2019 under the assumption they would receive a fair and appropriate building valuation. However, when the value came in far below their expectations at $35MM, their construction project was thrown into turmoil. In fact, at this valuation, the planned construction would have required a capital infusion to the tune of ~$6MM. By implementing the PVI methodology and ordering a new appraisal in early 2020, the group saw a 28% improvement. This allowed the group to fund the project with minimal cash out of pocket and refinance the remainder of their $45MM portfolio. 

CMAC Partners has implemented the use of the PVI program with all clients since and has yielded outstanding results.

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Case Studies